Sunday, October 12, 2008

9 weeks 5 days

Hey all!

Well, lets see what has happened since I last posted something.... We bought a house! Im very excited about having some more room, and a big master closet (I wont have to use the hall anymore!) I was suppose to go hear the heartbeat Oct 21st, however, Clinton wont be back from pheasant hunting so we pushed it back to Oct 27th. And no, I dont think I will be cooking any pheasant this year! I dont know if I can handle the moving feet!
Ive been a little more under the weather this past week then usual. I think starting a new job, trying to get the house ready to put on the market and grow a life has left a mark on me this week! But I am so ready to move into the new house!

I am heading to Little Rock for training in the morning and will be back Tuesday night, Clinton heads to South Dakota Thursday so I plan for a very uneventful weekend!

Hugs and Kisses to all!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh I love this!!! Thanks for starting a blog. I will visit it often. The new house looks amazing. I can't wait to come and visit. I am so happy for you guys!!! You are going to be amazing parents.

All my love,