Wednesday, October 29, 2008

12 weeks!

Well, Monday 10/27/08 we went to the doctor. We were able to hear the heartbeat! It was really amazing. Dr. Partridge (who is great!) said that if there was an ultra sound room open we could go "take a look." We saw our baby! It was kicking and twisting, moving like crazy and waving. "It" is still too small for me to feel any of the movement, but that should come in about 4 to 8 more weeks! We go back for our next appointment Nov 21st. I hope we can see baby bennett again!

I have pictures, but I can't post them....Im working on it!

1 comment:

debbie Hudson said...

Dear Elissa, Clinton & 'BabyBennett',
We are so excited about the new baby and can't wait to meet the little sweetie in May! Love the new house--it's beautiful--more photos please.
Love to you all,

xoxo Aunt Deb